what is variables in flutter

In Flutter, variables are used to store and manipulate data. They are declared with a specific data type and can hold different values throughout the execution of the program. Variables are essential for storing and retrieving information, performing calculations, and controlling the behaviour of the application.

There are three types of variables in Flutter:

Immutable Variables: These variables are declared using the “final” keyword and can only be assigned a value once. Once assigned, their value cannot be changed.

final String name = “John”;
Mutable Variables: These variables are declared using the “var” or specific data type keywords like “int”, “String”, etc. They can be assigned a value multiple times, and their value can be changed as needed.

var age = 25;
Dynamic Variables: These variables are declared using the “dynamic” keyword and can hold values of any data type. They provide flexibility but may result in runtime errors if not handled carefully.

dynamic value = “Hello”;
Variables in Flutter can be used within functions, classes, and widgets to store and manipulate data throughout the application. They play a crucial role in maintaining state, passing data between different components, and controlling the overall behaviour of the app.