In SwiftUI, there are several fundamental commands and modifiers that are used to build and modify the user interface of your app. Let’s describe each of these commands:

View: This is the basic protocol in SwiftUI that represents a view in your app’s user interface. All UI components are views, and you can create custom views by conforming to the View protocol.

HStack: The HStack command is used to arrange views horizontally in a row. It lays out its child views side by side from left to right.

VStack: The VStack command is used to arrange views vertically in a column. It stacks its child views on top of each other from top to bottom.

ZStack: The ZStack command is used to stack views on top of each other in the z-axis, allowing overlapping of views. The last view in the ZStack is visually on top.

Text: The Text command is used to display static text in your app’s UI. You can customize the font, color, alignment, etc.

Image: The Image command is used to display images in your app’s UI. You can load images from your asset catalog or use a system image.

Button: The Button command is used to create interactive buttons in your app’s UI. You can specify the action to perform when the button is tapped.

NavigationLink: The NavigationLink command is used to create a link to another view in a navigation hierarchy. It’s typically used for navigation within a NavigationView.

List: The List command is used to create a scrollable list of views. It’s useful for displaying a collection of data.

ScrollView: The ScrollView command is used to create a scrollable container for its child views. It allows you to have more control over scrolling behavior than List.

ForEach: The ForEach command is used to loop through a collection of data and create views dynamically based on the elements of that collection.

TextField: The TextField command is used to create a text input field where users can enter text.

Picker: The Picker command is used to create a dropdown selection list. Users can choose an option from the list.

Toggle: The Toggle command is used to create a switch that can be toggled on or off.

NavigationView: The NavigationView command is used to create a navigation hierarchy in your app. It enables navigation between different views.

Spacer: The Spacer command is used to fill available space within a container. It can be used to create flexible layouts.

Alert: The Alert command is used to present an alert dialog with a title and message. It’s used for displaying important information or asking for user confirmation.

ActionSheet: The ActionSheet command is used to present a sheet with multiple actions for the user to choose from.

These are some of the fundamental commands and modifiers in SwiftUI. By combining and nesting these commands, you can create complex and interactive user interfaces for your iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.