, Butsome of them are more essential than others. Depending on your app’s requirements and features, you may need different types of widgets, but here are some of the most common and useful ones:

– **AppBar**: A widget that provides a navigation bar at the top of the screen, with titles, icons, and buttons³.
– **FloatingActionButton**: A widget that displays a circular button that floats above the main content and performs a specific action³.
– **ListView**: A widget that displays a list of items in a vertical or horizontal scrollable layout³.
– **Image**: A widget that displays an image from a local asset or a network URL, with caching and resizing capabilities³.
– **TextField**: A widget that captures user input in a customizable text field, with different input types and validators³.
– **Card**: A widget that displays content in a structured and visually appealing container, with borders, shadows, and margins³.
– **AlertDialog**: A widget that shows a dialog box with a message and optional buttons to prompt the user for input or confirmation³.
– **BottomNavigationBar**: A widget that provides a horizontal menu of tabs at the bottom of the screen, with icons and labels⁴.